Welcome to AvBrand
You've reached the personal homepage of Avatar-X. So what now?Latest Blog Posts
- Cheapo Power: Power Control on the Cheap at 9:36 AM, February 17th, 2016
- Just a quick puppy hello! at 4:38 PM, November 21st, 2014
- An argument for Electric Trolley Buses in Toronto at 12:42 PM, June 23rd, 2014
News Section out of date!
October 16th, 2011
This news section is so out of date... well, check out the Blog for the latest news! Click above.
Alpha Sign Library now Open-Source!
July 13th, 2010
I've finally decided to open-source my Alpha Adaptive Micro Systems Sign Communications Library! You can grab it here: Alpha Sign Communications Library
New Section: Blog
October 9th, 2009
There's a new section of my site: The Blog. I know blogs are kinda 2001, but I wanted a place where I could most more regular updates and tech stuff, so here it is. It will be updated much more frequently than this front-page news is.
Updates to Car PC Section
September 4th, 2009
I've made some updates to the Car PC section.
I've also posted a very useful technical document about the specific details of the LED Sign used in my car. Click Here to read it.
Automatic Flush Toilet
August 27th, 2009

Power Monitoring Project
August 21st, 2009

Thermostat Project
June 13th, 2009

New CarPC Video
February 9th, 2009
I've added a new video to my Front Camera page, showing how the front camera works. Check it out!
CarPC Updates
February 7th, 2009

Added: AVC Source Code for Steam
November 18th, 2008
AVC fan Cur7 emailed me updated AVC source code, converted to work on Steam. Grab it on the Server Assistant page!