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Home-Made Thermostat Source Code

This code is copyright © 2009 Avatar-X. If you use it, please let me know.
#include <AvCrystal.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

#define SW_COOL        8		// The 'Cool' switch is connected here
#define SW_HEAT        9		// The 'Heat' switch is connected here
#define SW_FAN         17		// The 'Fan' switch is connected here
#define BUT_UP         18		// The 'Up' button
#define BUT_DOWN       19		// The 'Down' button

#define RLY_COOL       14		// The relay to actuate 'Cool'
#define RLY_HEAT       15		// The relay to actuate 'Heat'
#define RLY_FAN        13		// The relay to actuate 'Fan'

#define MIN_TIME      60000  // How long in ms between cycles.
									  // To prevent compressor problems, we never cycle the unit on and off quicker than this interval.

#define TEMPR_STORE   500 // Where in the EEPROM we store the set temperature

// LCD
// AvCrystal is a modified version of the LiquidCrystal LCD library
// The constructor syntax is:
// AvCrystal(rs, rw, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)
#include "WProgram.h"
void setup();
void loop();
void checkSystem();
void goCycle(byte set_cool, byte set_heat);
void checkButtons();
void pressButton(int n);
void saveTemp();
void updateDisplay();
void outputStatus();
void checkSerial();
void serSetTemp();
void serSetFan();

AvCrystal lcd(12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2);
byte hasReset = 0;
long lastUpdate = 0;

float currTemp = 0;   	// The currently read temperature
float setTemp = 0;    	// The set temperature
long tReadStarted = 0;	// When the temperature read started
float readTotal = 0; 	// All of the readings added up
int readCount = 0;   	// How many readings we have made

// Buttons
byte lastButton[3];		// Track the button states
byte buttonPins[3];		// Which pins the buttons are on
long lastPress = 0; 		// When the last button was pressed

byte hvac_mode = 0; 		// Master HVAC Status: 0 = off, 1 = heat, 2 = cool
byte is_heating = 0;		// Are we heating?
byte is_cooling = 0;		// Are we cooling?
long lastCycle = 0; 		// When was the heat/cool last switched on or off?
byte fan_mode = 0;		// Is the FAN on?
byte last_fan = 0;		// Last FAN status.
int cycle_wait = -1;		// Time before next cycle begins (visual countdown on LCD)

// Serial port
long lastOutput = 0;		// We output to the serial port once a second.
byte serBuf[10];			// Input buffer
byte serPos = 0; 			// Where we are in the input buffer

void setup()
	// Set all the pins
  pinMode(SW_COOL, INPUT);
  pinMode(SW_HEAT, INPUT);
  pinMode(SW_FAN, INPUT);
  pinMode(BUT_UP, INPUT);
  pinMode(BUT_DOWN, INPUT);

  pinMode(RLY_COOL, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RLY_HEAT, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RLY_FAN, OUTPUT);

	// Default temperature is 27.5 C
  setTemp = 27.5;

  // See if we can read the set temperature out of the EEPROM
  byte gTemp = EEPROM.read(TEMPR_STORE);
  if (gTemp > 0) setTemp = (float)gTemp / 2; // Temperature is stored doubled

  // Give the LCD time to power up

	// Clear and reset the LCD

  // Open the Serial port

  // Pins of the buttons
  buttonPins[0] = BUT_UP;
  buttonPins[1] = BUT_DOWN;
  buttonPins[2] = SW_FAN;


void loop()
	// Is it time to do a temperature reading? We do one every second.
  if (millis() - tReadStarted >= 1000 || millis() < tReadStarted)
  	 // Reset the LCD after 1 second to fix problems.
    if (hasReset == 0) {
      hasReset = 1;

    tReadStarted = millis();

    // Read the temperature from the analog pin
    float inRead = analogRead(2) * 100 * 5;
    inRead = inRead / 1023;

	 // Add to the read count
    readTotal += inRead;

    // Average out 9 readings to fix analog flicker problems.
    if (currTemp == 0 || readCount > 8)
      currTemp = readTotal / readCount;
      readCount = 0;
      readTotal = 0;

  if (millis() - lastUpdate > 250 || millis() < lastUpdate)
    // Check if we need to heat or cool

    // Update the display every 250 milleseconds

  // Output the current status once a second.
  if (millis() - lastOutput > 1000 || millis() < lastOutput)
    lastOutput = millis();

  // Check the button state

  // Check serial port
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {


void checkSystem()

  // Check the cool and heat pins
  if (digitalRead(SW_COOL) == HIGH) {
    hvac_mode = 2;
  else if (digitalRead(SW_HEAT) == HIGH) {
    hvac_mode = 1;
  else {
    hvac_mode = 0;

  // See if it's time to heat or cool.
  if (hvac_mode == 2) // Cool
    // Are we already cooling?
    if (is_cooling == 0)
      // In order for 'Cool' to be activated, the temperature needs rise at least 1C above the set temperature.
      if (currTemp >= setTemp + 1)
        // Start cooling.
        goCycle(1, 0);
      else {
        cycle_wait = -1;
    else {
      // To deactivate cooling, the temperature has to reach 0.5 C below the set temperature.
      if (currTemp <= setTemp - 0.5)
        // Shut off the cooling.
        goCycle(0, 0);
      else {
        cycle_wait = -1;
  else if (hvac_mode == 1) // Heat
    // Are we already heating?
    if (is_heating == 0)
      // In order for 'Heat' to be activated, the temperature needs drop 1C below the set temperature.
      if (currTemp <= setTemp - 1)
        // Start heating.
        goCycle(0, 1);
      else {
        cycle_wait = -1;
    else {
      // To deactivate heating, the temperature has to reach 0.5 C above the set temperature.
      if (currTemp >= setTemp + 0.5)
        // Shut off the heating.
        goCycle(0, 0);
      else {
        cycle_wait = -1;

  else {
    // Make sure the heat/cool relays are off.
    is_heating = 0;
    is_cooling = 0;
    cycle_wait = -1;

  // Apply the settings.
  if (hvac_mode == 2)
    digitalWrite(RLY_COOL, is_cooling ? HIGH : LOW);
    digitalWrite(RLY_HEAT, LOW);
  else if (hvac_mode == 1) {
    digitalWrite(RLY_HEAT, is_heating ? HIGH : LOW);
    digitalWrite(RLY_COOL, LOW);
  else {
    digitalWrite(RLY_HEAT, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RLY_COOL, LOW);

  // Fan relay on when cooling
  digitalWrite(RLY_FAN, fan_mode == 1 || is_cooling == 1 ? HIGH : LOW);


void goCycle(byte set_cool, byte set_heat)
  // Set the heat / cool if we can.
  // Make sure we do not go over the cyle problems.
  if (millis() - lastCycle > MIN_TIME || millis() < lastCycle)
    lastCycle = millis();
    is_heating = set_heat;
    is_cooling = set_cool;
    cycle_wait = -1;
  else {
    // Yes, it's too early. Show the user how long before the cycle will be applied.
    cycle_wait = (MIN_TIME - (millis() - lastCycle)) / 1000;

void checkButtons()
  int butState = 0;
  byte butS = 0;

  // Check the button status of all three buttons.
  for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
    butState = digitalRead(buttonPins[i]);
    butS = butState == HIGH ? 1 : 0;
    if (butS != lastButton[i])
      lastButton[i] = butS;
      if (butS && (millis() - lastPress > 250 || millis() < lastPress))

    // Are the buttons repeating? (Is the button being held down?)
    if (butS == 1 && millis() - lastPress > 250 && i != 2)
      // Repeat


void pressButton(int n)
  lastPress = millis();
  switch (n)
  case 0: // Button 0 was pressed.
    // Increase temp.
    setTemp += 0.5;

    // Make sure the temperature is not too high.
    if (setTemp > 40) setTemp = 40;

  case 1: // Button 1 was pressed.

    // Decrease temp.
    setTemp -= 0.5;
    if (setTemp < 10) setTemp = 10;

  case 2:	// Button 2 was pressed.
    fan_mode = 1 - fan_mode;


void saveTemp()
  // Save the temperature into the EEPROM
  byte gTemp = setTemp * 2;
  EEPROM.write(TEMPR_STORE, gTemp);

void updateDisplay()
	// Update the LCD display.

  lastUpdate = millis();

  lcd.print("Now ");
  lcd.print(0xDF, BYTE); // Degree symbol
  lcd.print("  ");

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

  lcd.print("Set ");
  lcd.print(0xDF, BYTE); // Degree symbol
  lcd.print("  ");

  lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
  if (hvac_mode == 0) lcd.print("OFF ");
  if (hvac_mode == 1) lcd.print("HEAT");
  if (hvac_mode == 2) lcd.print("COOL");

  lcd.setCursor(16, 0);
  if (hvac_mode == 0 || (hvac_mode == 1 && is_heating == 0) || (hvac_mode == 2 && is_cooling == 0)) {
    if (cycle_wait > -1) {
      lcd.print(" ");
      lcd.print(" ");
    else {
      lcd.print("   "); // Blank out where it would say "on"
  else if ((hvac_mode == 1 && is_heating == 1) || (hvac_mode == 2 && is_cooling)) {
  		// Show the cycle time.
    if (cycle_wait > -1) {
      lcd.print(0x7E, BYTE);
      lcd.print(" ");
    else {
      lcd.print(" ON");

  lcd.setCursor(12, 1);
  lcd.print("FAN ");
  if (fan_mode == 1) lcd.print("ON  ");
  if (fan_mode == 0) lcd.print("AUTO");

void outputStatus()
	// Status information in XML format on the Serial port.
	// <Status Temp="18" Set="20" Mode="Heat" Active="1" Fan="On" />

  Serial.print("<Status ");
  Serial.print("\" Set=\"");
  Serial.print("\" Mode=\"");
  if (hvac_mode == 2){
  else if (hvac_mode == 1) {
  else {
  Serial.print("\" Active=\"");
  Serial.print(is_cooling || is_heating ? 1 : 0);
  Serial.print("\" Fan=\"");
  if (fan_mode == 1) Serial.print("On");
  else Serial.print("Auto");
  Serial.println("\" />");

void checkSerial()
	// To control the thermostat via computer, send simple messages on the serial port.
	// The following messages are understood:
	// S(number)(enter) - Set temperature to this.
	// F(1 or 0)(enter) - Set the fan on or off.

  while (Serial.available() > 0)
    byte ib = Serial.read();

    // Is this character the end of a message? (Character 13, newline)
    if (ib == 13)

      // Try to understand the message.
      switch (serBuf[0])
      case 'S':
      case 'F':
    else {
      // Is this character the start of a new message?
      if (ib == 'S' || ib == 'F') {
        // Start the buffer at 0.
        serPos = 0;

      // Add to the buffer.
      if (serPos < 10)
        serBuf[serPos] = ib;

void serSetTemp()
  float frTemp = 0;
  float brTemp = 0;
  float bDiv = 10;
  byte beforeDecimal = 1; // Are we before or after the decimal?

  // Read a temperature out of the serial buffer.
  for (byte i = 1; i <= serPos - 1; i++)
    switch (serBuf[i])
    case '.':
      beforeDecimal = 0;
      if (beforeDecimal == 1)
        // Multiply our work number by 10
        frTemp *= 10;
        // Add this number
        // Make sure it's a number
        if (serBuf[i] >= '0' && serBuf[i] <= '9')
          frTemp += serBuf[i] - '0';  // Turn from a byte to a number
      else {
        // Numbers after the decimal are divided by 10 more each time
        brTemp += (float)(serBuf[i] - '0') / bDiv;
        bDiv *= 10;

  frTemp += brTemp;

  // Set the temperature.
  if (frTemp >= 10 && frTemp <= 40) setTemp = frTemp;


void serSetFan()
  // Set the fan status to on or off.
  switch (serBuf[1])
  case '1':
    fan_mode = 1;
  case '0':
    fan_mode = 0;

int main(void)


	for (;;)

	return 0;

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